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Authentication with AppID

Securing Inventory App with App ID

To secure the application we are using the capabilities available within the IBM Cloud platform to enable integration with AppID.
With Openshift 3.11, a simple annotation was used on the ingress to enable Appid. In Openshift 4.x, Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud annotations ([annotation]) and NGINX annotations ([annotation_name]) are not supported for the router or the Ingress resource.
With Openshift 4.x, AppID integration is enabled with SDKs.


The following prerequisites are required for AppID integration:

  • An instance of the App ID service: In IBM Cloud Dashboard, go to "Services" and select the AppID instance.

AppID Service

  • A set of service credentials:

    • In AppID instance, go to "Application".
    • Click on "Add application".
    • Enter your application name
    • Select the type as Regular web application.
    • Click on Save to create the service credentials for your application.

    AppID Credentials Creation

    • After saving, your application credentials will get created.Click on the down Arrow at the left end of your application name and get the credentials.

    AppID Credentials Creation

  • yarn version 1.22.19 or higher.

  • node version 16.16.0 or higher (it is recommended that you use an LTS version).


To install yarn run the command npm install -g yarn

Enable Appid in the solution


  • By using the command line, change to the directory that contains your Node.js app.
  • Install the AppID service and other dependencies.

    yarn add ibmcloud-appid passport@0.5.2 express-session
  • Obtain your credentials by navigating to the Applications tab of the AppID dashboard as mentioned in Prerequisites.

  • Obtain the application as mentioned in AppID Redirect Url Config.

Create binding secret for appid in your namespace

  • Login to the IBM Cloud cluster where your workshop-team-one ocp cluster resides.
    ibmcloud login -u [username] -p [password]
  • Login to your ocp cluster using the oc cli.

Openshift cli login Page

  • Click on "Copy Login Command". It will redirect to a new page.

  • Click the display token link. Copy the "Log in with this token" command & login to oc cli, it should look like this :

    oc login --token=sha256~bfGcq7l6H3JHd9GwbNRaSsJ7cDAiLK5EPF4tbPQ-WfY --server=
  • Navigate to your namespace where you are running the inventory solution pipeline and create the binding secret for He the Appid instance on the cloud account

    oc project <PROJECT_NAME>
    ibmcloud oc cluster service bind --cluster workshop-team-one --namespace <PROJECT_NAME> --service workshop-team-one-appid


Save the binding name, you will use it later

Update the configuration values in the configuration files

  • Put these credentials in server/config/mappings.json to be referred by application:

     "APPID_CONFIG": ""{\"tenantId\":\"<tenantId_value>\",\"oauthServerUrl\":\"<oauthServer_URL>\",\"clientId\": \"<ClientID_value>\", \"secret\": \"<secret_value>\"}",

  • Add the following parameter in values.yaml along with its value:

    appidBinding: <BINDING_NAME>

Adding the dependencies

  • Add the following require definitions to your server/server.js:
    const express = require('express');
    const session = require('express-session')
    const passport = require('passport');
    const WebAppStrategy = require("ibmcloud-appid").WebAppStrategy;
    const CALLBACK_URL = "/ibm/cloud/appid/callback";
    const appidConfig = require("./config/mappings.json");

Activate the appid integration

  • In server.js, set up your express app to use express-session middleware.

    const app = express();
    const appidcfg = appidConfig.APPID_CONFIG;
            secret: appidcfg.secret,
            resave: true,
            saveUninitialized: true

  • In the same file, initialize the SDK using the information obtained in the previous steps.

      new WebAppStrategy({
        tenantId: appidcfg.tenantId,
        clientId: appidcfg.clientId,
        secret: appidcfg.secret,
        oauthServerUrl: appidcfg.oAuthServerUrl,
        redirectUri: appidConfig.application_url + CALLBACK_URL

  • In the same file, configure passport with serialization and deserialization. This configuration step is required for authenticated session persistence across HTTP requests. For more information, see the passport docs

    passport.serializeUser(function(user, cb) {
      cb(null, user);
    passport.deserializeUser(function(obj, cb) {
      cb(null, obj);

  • Add the following code to your server.js to issue the service redirects.

    app.get(CALLBACK_URL, passport.authenticate(WebAppStrategy.STRATEGY_NAME));
    app.use(passport.authenticate(WebAppStrategy.STRATEGY_NAME ));

Adding environment variables to deployment.yaml

  • Open the deployment.yaml file and add environment variables that use those values to the top of the existing env block:
    - name: APPID_CONFIG
            name: {{ .Values.appidBinding | quote }}
            key: binding

AppID redirect url config

  • Get the ingress for the UI component by running igc ingress -n dev-{initials}.

  • Open the IBM Cloud resource list -

  • Open the AppID instance to the Manage Authentication -> Authentication Settings view

    AppID authentication settings

  • Add the redirect url for the application to the web redirect URLs. The redirect url will have the following form:

    {ingress url}/ibm/cloud/appid/callback


Add users to AppID

  • Open the AppID instance to Cloud Directory -> Users

    AppID cloud directory users

  • Add yourself as a user with an email address, name, and password#

Commit and push the changes

  • Commit your local changes and push them to your remote repository
    git add .
    git commit -m "Added appid"
    git push
  • Your previously defined pipeline should be launched and the new app should be deployed afterwards

Access the UI

  • Open a browser to the UI Application URL

  • You should be met with the AppID login screen. (This screen can be customized from the AppID service console but for now we are showing the default screen.)

    AppID Login Page

  • Provide the email address and password you configured in the previous steps. You should be granted access to the UI.