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Kubernetes Lab 5 - Debugging


The Hyper Drive isn't working and we need to find out why. Let's debug the hyper-drive deployment so that we can reach light speed again.

Here are some tips to help you solve the Hyper Drive:

  • Check the description of the deployment.
  • Get and save the logs of one of the broken pods.
  • Are the correct ports assigned.
  • Make sure your labels and selectors are correct.
  • Check to see if the Probes are correctly working.
  • To fix the deployment, save then modify the yaml file for redeployment.


Setup environment

  • Execute the command to create the Deployment, Namespace, Service below definition.

shell script oc apply -f - Check the status of the POD.

oc get pods -n {DEV_NAMESPACE} - Check the description of the deployment.

oc describe deployment hyper-drive -n {DEV_NAMESPACE} - Save logs for broken pod.

oc logs <pod name> -n {DEV_NAMESPACE} > /home/cloud_user/debug/broken-pod-logs.log In the description you will see the following is wrong: - Selector and Label names do not match. - The Probe is TCP instead of HTTP Get. - The Service Port is 80 instead of 8080.

  • To fix problem, can't do oc edit on deployment, need to delete and recreate the deployment. So export deployment and do the necessary changes and recreate it.

oc get deployment <deployment name> -n {DEV_NAMESPACE} -o yaml --export > hyper-drive.yml - Delete the existing deployment.

oc delete deployment <deployment name> -n {DEV_NAMESPACE}

  • Edit the exported YAML file and apply.

oc apply -f hyper-drive.yml -n {DEV_NAMESPACE} - Verify the deployment.

oc get deployment <deployment name> -n {DEV_NAMESPACE}


Once you get the Hyper Drive working again. Verify it by checking the endpoints.

kubectl get ep hyper-drive