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Kubernetes Lab 6 - Rolling Updates


Your company's developers have just finished developing a new version of their jedi-themed mobile game. They are ready to update the backend services that are running in your Kubernetes cluster. There is a deployment in the cluster managing the replicas for this application. The deployment is called jedi-deployment. You have been asked to update the image for the container named jedi-ws in this deployment template to a new version, bitnami/nginx:1.18.0.

After you have updated the image using a rolling update, check on the status of the update to make sure it is working. If it is not working, perform a rollback to the previous state.


Setup environment

  • Execute the command to create the deployment using below definition.

shell script oc apply -f jedi-deployment.yaml -n {DEV_NAMESPACE}

yaml apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: jedi-deployment spec: replicas: 2 selector: matchLabels: app: jedi-deployment template: metadata: labels: app: jedi-deployment spec: containers: - image: bitnami/nginx:1.16.1 name: jedi-ws

Rolling Updates

  • Update the deployment to the new version like so:

oc set image deployment/jedi-deployment jedi-ws=bitnami/nginx:1.18.0 --record - Check the progress of the rolling update.

oc rollout status deployment/jedi-deployment

  • Get the Pods details in another terminal window.

oc get pods -w

  • Get a list of previous deployment revisions.

oc rollout history deployment/jedi-deployment

  • Undo the last revision.

oc rollout undo deployment/jedi-deployment

  • Check the status of the rollout.

oc rollout status deployment/jedi-deployment