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Kubernetes Lab 7 - Cron Jobs


Your commander has a simple data process that is run periodically to check status. They would like to stop doing this manually in order to save time, so you have been asked to implement a cron job in the Kubernetes cluster to run this process. - Create a cron job called xwing-cronjob using the ibmcase/xwing-status:1.0 image. - Have the job run every second minute with the following cron expression: */2 * * * *. - Pass the argument /usr/sbin/ to the container.


  • Create the cronjob executing the below command and use the below yaml definition.

shell script oc apply -f Downloads/FoundationHandsOn/cronjob.yaml -n {DEV_NAMESPACE}

yaml apiVersion: batch/v1beta1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: xwing-cronjob spec: schedule: "*/2 * * * *" jobTemplate: spec: template: spec: containers: - name: xwing-status image: ibmcase/xwing-status:1.0 args: - /usr/sbin/ restartPolicy: OnFailure

  • To view th Cronjob.

shell script oc get cronjob xwing-cronjob -n -n {DEV_NAMESPACE}


  • Run kubectl get cronjobs.batch and LAST-SCHEDULE to see last time it ran
  • From a bash shell, run the following to see the logs for all jobs:
jobs=( $(kubectl get jobs --no-headers -o custom-columns="") )
echo -e "Job \t\t\t\t Pod \t\t\t\t\tLog"
for job in "${jobs[@]}"
   pod=$(kubectl get pods -l job-name=$job --no-headers -o custom-columns="")
   echo -en "$job \t $pod \t"
   kubectl logs $pod