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What is Cloud-Native?


Cloud is everywhere. Today, many companies want to migrate their applications to the cloud. For this to be done, the applications must be re-architected to fully use the cloud advantages.

What is Cloud-Native?

Cloud-native is about how we build and run applications taking full advantage of cloud computing rather than worrying about where we deploy it:

  • A cloud-native application consists of discrete and reusable components known as microservices that are designed to integrate into any cloud environment.

  • These microservices act as building blocks and are often packaged in containers.

  • Microservices work together as a whole to comprise an application, yet each can be independently scaled, continuously improved, and quickly iterated through automation and orchestration processes.

  • The flexibility of each microservice adds to the agility and continuous improvement of cloud-native applications.

CNCF Cloud-Native Definition

Cloud-native technologies empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments such as public, private, and hybrid clouds. Containers, service meshes, microservices, immutable infrastructure, and declarative APIs exemplify this approach.

These techniques enable loosely coupled systems that are resilient, manageable, and observable. Combined with robust automation, they allow engineers to make high-impact changes frequently and predictably with minimal toil.

The Cloud-Native Computing Foundation seeks to drive adoption of this paradigm by fostering and sustaining an ecosystem of open source, vendor-neutral projects. We democratize state-of-the-art patterns to make these innovations accessible for everyone.

Why Cloud-Native?

Cloud-native applications are different from the traditional applications that run in your data centers. Traditional applications are not built with cloud compatibility in mind. They may have strong ties with the internal systems and they cannot take advantage of all the benefits of the cloud.

We need a new architecture for our applications to utilize the benefits of the cloud. The applications' design needs to keep the cloud in mind and take advantage of cloud services like storage, queuing, caching, etc.

  • Speed, safety, and scalability come with cloud-native applications.

  • Helps to quickly deliver the advancements.

  • Allows loose ties into the corporate IT where it can destabilize legacy architectures.

  • Allows continuous deployment of applications with zero downtime.

  • Infrastructure is less predictable.

  • Service instances are all disposable.

  • Deployments are immutable.

  • To meet the expectations of today’s world customers, these systems are architected for elastic scalability.

Cloud-native concepts

Some of the important characteristics of cloud-native applications are as follows.

  • Disposable infrastructure.

  • Isolation.

  • Scalability.

  • Disposable architecture.

  • Value-added cloud services.

  • Polyglot cloud.

  • Self-sufficient, full-stack teams.

  • Cultural Change.

Disposable Infrastructure

While creating applications on the cloud, you need several cloud resources as part of it. We often hear how easy it is to create all these resources. But did you ever think about how easy is to dispose of them? It's not easy and that's why you don’t hear much about it.

In traditional or legacy applications, we have all these resources residing on machines. If these go down, we need to redo them again and most of this is handled by the operations team manually. So, when we are creating applications on the cloud, we bring those resources like load balancers, databases, and gateways as well along with machine images and containers.

While creating these applications, you should always keep in mind that if you are creating a resource on demand, you should also be able to destroy it when not required. Without this, we cannot achieve the factors speed, safety, and scalability. If you want this to happen, we need automation.

Automation allows you to:

  • Deliver new features at any time.

  • Deliver patches faster.

  • Improve system quality.

  • Facilitate team scale and efficiency.

Now you should know what we are talking about. Disposable infrastructure is nothing but Infrastructure as Code.

Infrastructure as Code

Here, you develop the code for automation exactly as same as you do for the rest of the application using agile methodologies.

  • Automation code is driven by a story.

  • Versioned in the same repository as the rest of the code.

  • Continuously tested as part of the CI/CD pipeline.

  • Test environments are created and destroyed along with test runs.

Thus, disposable infrastructure lays the groundwork for scalability and elasticity.


In traditional or legacy monolithic applications when you fix a bug or an error, the entire application needs to be redeployed. This can cause side effects that you can never predict. Changes may break any components in the application as they are all inter related.

In cloud-native applications, to avoid the above scenario, the system is decomposed into bounded isolated components. Each service will be defined as one component independent of others. This way, when there is a bug or error in the application, you can just fix the specific component avoiding any side effects as the components are all unrelated pieces of code.

Thus, cloud-native systems are resilient to human-made errors. To achieve this we need isolation to avoid a problem in a single component affecting the entire system. This also helps you to introduce changes the application quickly and with confidence.


Simply deploying your application to the cloud does not make it cloud-native. To be cloud-native it needs to use the full benefits of the cloud. One key feature is scalability.

In today’s world, once your business starts growing, the number of users keeps increasing and they may be from different locations. Your application should be able to support a large number of devices while maintaining its responsiveness using an efficient and cost-effective way.

To achieve this, a cloud-native application runs in multiple runtimes spread across multiple hosts. The applications should be designed and architected so it supports multiple regions and active-active deployments. This helps you to increase the availability and avoids single-point failures.

Disposable architecture

Leveraging the disposable infrastructure and scaling isolated components is important for cloud-native applications. Disposable architecture is based on this and it takes disposability and replacement concepts to the next level.

Most of us think in a monolithic way because we are used to traditional or legacy applications. This may lead us to make decisions in a monolithic way rather than in a cloud-native way. With monolithic thinking, we tend to be safe and don’t do a lot of experimentation. But disposable architecture is exactly the opposite. In this approach, we develop small pieces of the component and keep experimenting with it to find an optimal solution.

When there is a breakthrough in the application, you can’t simply make decisions based on the available information which may be incomplete or inaccurate. So, with disposable architecture, you start with small increments, and invest time to find the optimal solution. Sometimes, there may be a need to completely replace the component, but that initial work was just the cost of getting the information that caused the breakthrough. This helps you to minimize waste allowing you to use your resources on controlled experiments efficiently and get good value out of it in the end.

Value-added cloud services

When you are defining an application, there are many things you need to care about. Every service will be associated with many things like databases, storage, redundancy, monitoring, etc. For your application, along with your components, you also need to scale the data. You can reduce the operational risk and also get all such things at greater velocity by leveraging the value-added services that are available on the cloud. Sometimes, you may need third party services if they are not available on your cloud. You can externally hook them up with your application as needed.

By using the value-added services provided by your cloud provider, you will get to know all the available options on your cloud and you can also learn about all the new services. This will help you to take good long-termed decisions. You can use a different service if you find it more suitable for your component and hook that up with your application based on the requirements.

Polyglot cloud

Most of you are familiar with polyglot programming. For your application, based on the component, you can choose the programming languages that best suits it. You need not stick to a single programming language for the entire application. If you consider polyglot persistence, you can choose the storage mechanism that better suits in a component by component basis. It allows a better global scale.

Similarly, the next thing will be a polyglot cloud. Like above, here you choose a cloud provider that better suits your application in a component by component basis. For the majority of your components, you may have to go to your cloud provider. But, this does not stop you from choosing a different one if it suits well for any of your application components. So, you can run different components of your cloud-native system on different cloud providers based on your requirements.

Self-sufficient, full-stack teams

In a traditional setup, many organizations have teams based on skill sets like backend, user interface, database, operations, etc. Such a structure will not allow you to build cloud-native systems.

In cloud-native systems, the system is composed of bounded isolated components that have their own resources. Each one of such components must be owned by a self-sufficient, full-stack team entirely responsible for all the resources that belong to that particular component. In this setup, this team tends to focus on quality upfront as they are the ones who deploy it and they will be taking care of it if the component is broken. It is more like you build it and then you run it. So, the team can continuously deliver advancements to the components at their own pace. Also, they are completely responsible for delivering these safely.

Cultural Change

Cloud-native is a different way of thinking. We need to first make up our minds, not just the systems, to utilize the full benefits of the cloud. Compared to the traditional systems, there will be lots of things we do differently in cloud-native systems.

To make that happen, cultural change is really important. To change the thinking at a high level, we just to first prove that the low-level practices can truly deliver and encourage lean thinking. With these practices, you can conduct experimentation. Based on the feedback from business, you can quickly and safely deliver your applications that can scale.

Cloud-native Roadmap

You can define your cloud-native roadmap in many ways. You can get there by choosing different paths. Let us see the trail map defined by CNCF.

CNCF defined the Cloud-Native Trail Map providing an overview for enterprises starting their cloud-native journey as follows.

This cloud map gives us various steps that an engineering team may use while considering the cloud-native technologies and exploring them. The most common ones among them are containerization, CI/CD, and orchestration. The next crucial pieces will be observability & analysis and service mesh. And later comes the rest of them like networking, distributed database, messaging, container runtime, and software distribution based on your requirements.


  • You cannot build cloud-native applications without containerization. This helps your application to run in any computing environment. Basically, all your code and dependencies are packaged up together into a single unit here. Among the different container platforms available, Docker is the preferred one.

  • It's convenient to set up a CI/CD pipeline to bring all the changes in the code to the container automatically. There are many tools available for this like Jenkins, Travis, etc.

  • We need container orchestration to manage its lifecycle. Kubernetes is a popular solution.

  • Monitoring and observability play a very important role so it's recommended to use techniques like logging, tracing, metrics etc.

  • To enable more complex operational requirements, you can use a service mesh. It helps you out with several things like service discovery, health, routing, A/B testing, etc. Istio is a popular tool.

  • Networking plays a crucial role. You should define flexible networking layers based on your requirements. For this, you can use Calico, Weave Net, etc.

  • Sometimes, you may need distributed databases. These are required if you need more scalability and resiliency.

  • Messaging may be required sometimes too. You can use queues like Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.

  • Container registry helps you to store all your containers. You can also enable image scanning and signing if required.

  • As a part of your application, sometimes you may need a secure software distribution.

Also, if you want to see the cloud-native landscape, check it out here.


In this section, we covered the fundamentals of cloud-native systems. Now you should know what cloud-native is, why we need it, and how important it is. Cloud-native is not just deploying your application on the cloud, it's also about taking full advantage of the cloud. Also, with the cloud-native roadmap, you will get an idea about how to design and architect your cloud-native system. You can also get an overview of the different tools, frameworks, platforms, etc. with the cloud-native landscape.

You can check Cloud Native Applications if want to learn more.
