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Debugging Applications

Kubernetes provides tools to help troubleshoot and debug problems with applications.

Usually is getting familiar with how primitives objects interact with each other, checking the status of objects, and finally checking logs for any last resource clues.


OpenShift - Debugging Applications - Debugging Metrics

IKS - Debugging Applications - Debugging Services - Debugging Replication Controllers


Broken setup to debug

curl -sL | base64 -d | oc apply -f -

Expose the service using port-forward

oc port-forward service/my-service 8080:80 -n debug
Try to access the service
curl http://localhost:8080

Try Out these Commands to Debug

oc get pods --all-namespaces
oc get deployments
oc describe pod
oc explain Pod.spec.containers.resources.requests
oc explain Pod.spec.containers.livenessProbe
oc edit deployment
oc logs
oc get service
oc get ep
oc describe service
oc get pods --show-labels
oc get deployment --show-labels

Broken setup to debug

 curl -s | base64 -d | kubectl apply -f -

Expose the service using port-forward

 kubectl port-forward service/my-service 8080:80 -n debug
Try to access the service
 curl http://localhost:8080

Try Out these Commands to Debug

kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get deployments
kubectl describe pod
kubectl explain Pod.spec.containers.resources.requests

kubectl explain Pod.spec.containers.livenessProbe

kubectl edit deployment

kubectl logs

kubectl get service

kubectl get ep

kubectl describe service

kubectl get pods --show-labels

kubectl get deployment --show-labels




The continuous integration activities focus around Tekton the integration platform. These labs will show you how to build pipelines and test your code before deployment.

Task Description Link
Try It Yourself
Debugging Find which service is breaking in your cluster and find out why. Debugging