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Before you proceed, make sure you have an Cloud-Native Learning Journey invite. It enables you to access OpenShift on AWS, Azure or IBM Cloud account with the Predefined DevSecOps Tools already installed and ready for you to use. (The environment is locked down to prevent the creation of any new services outside of the scope of the learning journey)

This set of learning tasks focuses on how to use Red Hat OpenShift Developer Experience to develop and deploy a set of basic cloud-native applications . It covers the use of common tools designed to help the developer monitor, log and debug their applications.

This learning tasks assumes that you have: - You have completed the tasks before the workshop - You have received an Learning-Journey invite email - Have watched the 30 min Introduction Video showing the end to end experience

Learning Tasks

The learning tasks help you understand the Developer Experience with IBM RedHat OpenShift managed cluster. These are the getting started and initial setup tasks that help you start a project.


Support is provided in the #<discord-channel-provided> you were provided with in your Learning-Journey invite. This channel will also be used to share any common issues found. It can be used to provide feedback on the content you have just completed

Before the Workshop

Please complete these tasks before attending the first session. This will help you get started quickly with the practical exercises.

Task Description Link Time Presentations
Welcome Message Welcome to Cloud-Native Workshop Introduction 5 mins
Prerequisites Install the prerequisite tools Setup Prerequisites 10 mins
Dev Env Access Validate access to your Development Cluster Validate 10 min
Software Delivery Lifecycle Overview of the Tools you will be using with the OpenShift Environment Video 30 min

Day 1 (2.5 Hours)

Task Description Link Time Presentations
Welcome Message Introductions & Logistics 15 mins Link
Introduction to Cloud-Native Development
What is Cloud-Native Introduction to Cloud-Native Development Cloud-Native Development 15 min Link
Cloud-Native Applications Cloud-Native Application Characteristics Cloud-Native Applications 15 min Link
Container Concepts
Containers Containers Overview Containers 15 min Link
Break 5 mins
OpenShift Overview
OpenShift OpenShift Overview OpenShift Overview 15 min Link
Continuous Integration Overview of Continuous Integration CI 15 min Link
Continuous Delivery Overview of Continuous Delivery CD 15 min
Deploy your first app demo The very first experience of deploying an app in OpenShift or Kubernetes Deploy First App 25 mins
Q & A 10 mins


Assignment Description Time
Deploy a simple nginx container Learn how to create a Docker Image for running a static HTML website using Nginx. 10 mins
Explore a deployed container Explore the elements of a deployed application 5-10 mins
Expose an application publicly Learn how to expose an application outside of the cluster 10 mins
Scale an application Learn how to create multiple instances of an application to meet demand 10 mins
Update an application Learn how to perform a rolling update of an application 10 mins
OpenShift - Getting Started Learn how to use the OpenShift Container Platform to build and deploy an application with a data backend and a web frontend. 10-15 mins
Deploy a Spring-Boot Application Learn more about developing applications using Spring Boot using Red Hat Runtimes. 15 mins
Cloud Native Development Reading through different concepts in cloud native development 90 mins
Continuous Integration Continuous Integration Hands on Exercise 60 mins
Continuous Delivery Continuous Delivery Hands on Exercise 60 mins

Day 2 (2.5 Hours)

Task Description Link Time Presentations
Recap Recap of things learned in Day 1 10 mins
Learn how to develop and deploy apps with enterprise DevSecOps
DevSecOps DevSecOps Overview DevSecOps 20 mins
Preparing for the Hands-On Labs Setting up the Development Tools Dev. Tools Setup 10 mins
Deploy your first app The very first experience of deploying an app in OpenShift or Kubernetes Deploy First App 25 mins
Break 5 mins
Code Analysis Code Quality with Sonarqube Code Analysis 15 mins Link
Image Registry Container Registry Image Registry 15 mins Link
Artifact Management Artifact Management with Artifactory Artifact Management 15 min Link
Monitoring Monitoring with OpenShift Monitoring 10 mins
Logging Logging with OpenShift Logging 10 mins
Q & A 10 mins


Assignment Description Time
Dev. Tools Setup Setting up the Development Tools 10 mins
Deploy First App The very first experience of deploying an application via a Tekton pipeline in OpenShift or Kubernetes 25 mins
SonarQube Creating a quality gate for Sonar Scan 20mins
Image Registry Accessing the image of your first app deployment 15 mins
Monitoring OpenShift Monitoring Hands on Lab 15mins
Logging OpenShift Logging Hands on Lab 15mins

Day 3 (2.5 Hours)

Task Description Link Time Presentations
Recap Recap of things learned in Day 1 & 2 10 mins
Apply all we have learnt so far to develop a set of microservices and deploy them on OpenShift
Preparing for the Hands-On Labs Setting up the Development Tools Dev. Tools Setup 10 mins
Inventory Application Objective of the exercise Objective 15 mins Link
Inventory Backend Creating the Inventory Service with Java Inventory Backend 25 mins
Break 5 mins
Inventory BFF Creating the Inventory BFF with GraphQL Inventory BFF 25 mins
Inventory UI Creating the UI microservice Inventory UI 25 mins
Inventory CD CD with Argocd CD 10 mins Link
TechZone Automation Automated Provisioning of Environment 30 mins
Q & A 10 mins


Assignment Description Time
Dev. Tools Setup Setting up the Development Tools 10 mins
Objective Objective of the exercise 15 mins
Inventory Backend Creating the Inventory Service with Java 30 mins
Inventory BFF Creating the Inventory BFF with GraphQL 25 mins
Inventory UI Creating the UI microservice 25 mins
Inventory Backend with Cloudant Cloudant Database integration 30 mins
Install the toolkit Install the Cloud-Native Toolkit in your cluster 30 mins


You have successfully completed the Developer Intermediate material - You have become familiar with IBM Cloud and Red Hat OpenShift - You have deployed your first application with OpenShift 4.10 - You have understood how monitor, access logs - Understand where your artifacts are being managed

Review Learning Tasks

Working with colleagues review your learning tasks. The Cloud Ecosystem team is looking for feedback from three perspectives:

  • What went well?
  • What needs improvement?
  • Next steps?

Developers will begin the learning journey with different skill levels and familiarity with this material, but will complete the Cloud-Native enablement with a more detailed understanding of how to build solutions for the IBM Cloud. Each student's Next Steps will help identify that person's skill gaps to ensure they cover the topics needed to complete the learning journey successfully.