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In IBM Garage Method, one of the Operate practices is to automate application monitoring. OpenShift has embedded monitoring built in to help you view your application monitoring events, enabling an operator to view stats and collect metrics about a Kubernetes cluster and its deployments.

  • Open the Observe console view by navigating to the Developer View in OpenShift web console and click on Observe menu.

Observing Apps in OpenShift

In the Observe view you are able to see the following views: - Dashboard, giving a summary view of the monitoring events for you namespace - Metrics , allows you to dig deeper into the various collected metrics for your namespace - Alerts, will allow you to see any generated alerts from your applications - Events, will allow you to see common events by kubernetes type

Observe dashboard

Open the Observe Dashboard in the OpenShift console. - Make sure you have select the project you are working in dev-{mjp} - Change the Time Range to Last 12 Hours you should see your microservice metrics being displayed - Scroll down the Dashboard and you will see other important information like CPU Quota , Memory Usage and Current Network usage - Dashboard

Explore metrics

You can drill into the detail behind the dashboard chats. You can look into the metrics for CPU, Memory and Network for the applications you have deployed in the namespace.

  • Click the drop-down to select CPU
  • Click the time drop-down to select 1h mins
  • Click Show PromSQL to show the underlying query being used to retrieve the data



It's important to be able to monitor your deployed applications. Here, the OpenShift console includes an Observe view that helps you monitor your application metrics. Just deploy your application into your project namespace/project, and it gets monitored automatically. After deploying your application, open the Observe view from the OpenShift console and browse the status, including the status of your cluster as a whole and your deployment in particular.

Learn more

Learn more about using OpenShift Observe Monitoring click this link