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Create accounts

You will need to set up the following accounts to use the OpenShift environment

  • GitHub account (public, not Enterprise): create it if you don't have one yet. If you haven't logged in for a while, check that you can do so. Make sure to set your enterprise email address as the primary address for the account. The OpenShift Environment administrators will send an invitation to your enterprise email address.

  • If are running this learning journey on IBM Cloud: Create one if needed and make sure you can log in.

  • If you are running this journey on AWS and Azure you will login with your GitHub credentials.

Configure Github Primary Email address

  • Setup your primary email address to match your enterprise one. Follow these instructions.

Configure Github Personal Access Token

For your CI pipeline ( Tekton) to connect to and use your GitHub repo, it will need a GitHub personal access token with public_repo and write:repo_hook scopes. The Personal Access Token only needs to be generated once because it is associated with the GitHub account and can be used to access any organizations and repositories that the account can access.

  • Navigate to Developer Settings and generate a new token. Name it something like "CI pipeline".
  • Select the public_repo scope to enable Git clone.
  • Select the write:repo_hook scope so the pipeline can create a webhook Pipeline OAuth scopes.
  • The GitHub UI will not display this token again, so make sure to save it in your password manager or somewhere safe that you can access later on.

Once you have created these accounts you can validate you can access your OpenShift cloud-native development environment.